Editorial Video: A Branding and Marketing Superpower

Woman videographer filming another woman talking on her cellphone
Editorial videos are created for editorial use, such as internet content or documentary films, whereas commercial videos are designed for commercial use, primarily for promoting products or services. Unlike commercial videos, editorial videos prioritize storytelling and authenticity over direct promotion, focusing on engaging and informing audiences. 
— Angela from A-List
Female videographer rearranging her client's props on the desk to optimize the set up for the video session

Editorial Video - Leverage Storytelling to Connect with your Customers

The Blueprint for Telling Your Brand's Unique Story

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, brands are always on the lookout for fresh, innovative ways to grab people's attention and share their stories. 

Enter the world of editorial videos - a game-changer in storytelling.

These aren't your typical commercials. Editorial type videos are like the storytellers of the advertising world, focusing on authenticity and information to truly connect with viewers. 

In this blog, we're set to explore the ins and outs of editorial video: how it's reshaping brand narratives, the key differences from traditional ads, the craft behind compelling editorial content, its role in branding, and what the future holds for this dynamic format.

Understanding the Power of Editorial Videos

What is Editorial Video?

These videos, crafted for editorial use, encompass a diverse range of content tailored to internet platforms, documentary films, and non-commercial purposes. 

Rather than solely serving as a promotional tool, these videos prioritize storytelling, providing a medium to engage, educate, and resonate with viewers on a deeper level.

By offering a combination of visual narrative and authentic representation, editorial type videos contribute to a more profound connection, stimulating meaningful conversations, and enhancing the overall editorial content experience.

What Can it do for My Brand?

In marketing, video has become significantly more important than it used to be.  Yes people still read and good photography is essential, but more and more of your customers are watching video content than ever before.  When it comes to business marketing and business video, editorial type videos, or telling your story has become increasingly important.  

We did some research and found the information below to give you a bit of a business case for investing in video for your marketing. 

  • Video Marketing Effectiveness: Video marketing content has been increasingly dominating the digital marketing landscape. According to a WyzOwl report, over 89% of consumers want to see videos from brands they support, more than any other type of content. See the Report here.

  • Engagement and Conversion Rates: Video content often leads to higher engagement and conversion rates compared to text and images. For instance, 72% of customers would rather watch a video than read text - See here

  • Social Media Trends: On social media platforms, video content tends to perform better in terms of engagement. For example, Tweets with video see 10 times more engagement than those without, and LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to share a video than any other type of post.

  • SEO Impact: Websites with video content are likely to rank higher on search engine results pages. A study by Moovly suggests that you're 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website. 

    • Lucas from Lucas James Creative also says that recently Google has trended towards ranking brands over websites. Real brands have multiple digital assets in their marketing efforts, typically including a website, social media and YouTube which increases the need for video content.

  • Consumer Preference: A study by Wyzowl indicates that 69% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service through video. In contrast, only 18% prefer text-based articles, websites, or posts.

  • Retention Rates: Time on page is a critical factor for Google search (SEO) and for conversion rates. Video provides another option for people to consume your content other than just reading the text.

  • Mobile Consumption: Video consumption on mobile devices rises 100% every year, as reported by Forbes. This trend is significant given the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing.

The Impact of Editorial Videos on Brand Storytelling

These videos are all about telling a story, not just pushing a product. It's like sitting down for a good chat rather than listening to a sales pitch.

They give brands a chance to share their journey in a way that's real and relatable, minus the hard sell. 

It's this mix of engaging stories and eye-catching visuals that draw people in. They're not just watching a video; they're getting a memorable experience that sticks with them. And that's what makes these videos a super cool tool for making a brand's story stand out.

What is the Difference Between Editorial Video and Comercial Video?

While both editorial and commercial videos contribute to visual content, there are distinct differences between the two. 

Editorial videos are created for editorial use, such as internet content or documentary films, whereas commercial videos are designed for commercial use, primarily for promoting products or services. Unlike commercial videos, editorial videos prioritize storytelling and authenticity over direct promotion, focusing on engaging and informing audiences. 

The distinction lies in their purpose, with editorial videos offering a more authentic and less promotional approach compared to commercial videos.

The Art of Crafting Editorial Videos

Crafting an editorial type video requires a delicate balance of creative storytelling, captivating visuals, and authentic representation. It is essential to incorporate the key elements that make an editorial film effective, compelling, and engaging. 

From understanding the audience to leveraging footage, lets look at what will help make a video that resonates with your audience. 

Essential Elements of an Effective Editorial Video

An effective editorial type video seamlessly integrates key elements to engage viewers and convey a brand's story authentically. Here are essential elements to consider:

  • A captivating narrative that hooks the viewers from beginning to end

  • Authentic representation to establish a genuine connection with the audience

  • Engaging visuals and footage that enhance the storytelling experience

  • Emotionally impactful content that resonates with viewers

  • Thoughtful editing techniques that enhance the overall narrative flow

Planning Your Editorial Video

In planning editorial videos especially for commercial use, start by conceptualizing and structuring content that tells your brand’s story in line with your goals. Use a systematic approach to ideate and organize your videos for clear, impactful messaging on platforms like YouTube.

Techniques for Captivating Storytelling Through Videos

For engaging editorial videos, be authentic to connect with viewers, mix interviews and visuals for interest, add suspense to engage, and use music and voiceovers for depth. Ensure your story has a clear, compelling flow.

The Role of Editorial Videos in Branding

Editorial videos play a crucial role in establishing a brand's identity and connecting with its audience. By leveraging the power of storytelling, these videos provide a unique opportunity for brands to authentically share their story, values, and purpose. Through engaging narratives, these videos foster a deeper connection, allowing viewers to resonate with a brand's message on a personal level. In today's digital landscape, where authenticity and connection are paramount, video has become a critical tool for effective branding. They are also great for commercial use because they can humanize technical or product focused ideas.

How to Tell Your Brand Story with Video

To tell your brand story through video, start by understanding what sets your brand apart and what it stands for. Then, create a story that reflects your brand's identity using compelling visuals and sound. Keep a consistent tone and style to make your message clear. Aim to connect with your audience on an emotional level to make your brand memorable and relatable.

Promoting Your Editorial Video

To effectively promote your editorial video content across platforms, strategic approaches to their commercial use are key. By leveraging targeted promotion and optimizing promotional strategies, you can amplify the reach and impact of your editorial videos. 

Engage your audiences strategically to maximize visibility and enhance the exposure of your footage. Consider utilizing platforms like YouTube for wider reach and reception. A strategic approach with an emphasis on engaging content is essential for maximizing the impact of your editorial video.

How to Use Editorial on Social Media

Incorporating these videos in your social media strategy can lead to increased engagement and brand awareness. Here are a few tips to effectively use editorial videos on social media platforms:

  • Share behind-the-scenes footage or interviews to provide an authentic look into your brand

  • Create short teaser videos to generate curiosity and drive traffic to longer editorial videos on platforms like YouTube

  • Utilize captions and visually appealing thumbnails to grab the attention of viewers

  • Encourage user-generated content, sparking conversations around your editorial videos

Case Studies: Success

Case Studies: Successful Brand Stories Told through Editorial Videos

To gain a deeper understanding of how these videos can elevate brand storytelling, let's explore some successful case studies.  You may or may not be into energy drinks, but they often have great video content.  Yes, they have big budgets, but the concepts they use can be scaled up or down to fit any size budget. 

Red Bull's Instagram strategy and the commercial use of its videos is a fascinating case study in creative marketing. Here's a breakdown of how they're using Instagram to elevate their brand:

Red Bull's Instagram Approach

  • Storytelling Focus: Red Bull's Instagram content is heavily centred around storytelling. They use the platform to showcase their involvement in extreme sports, adventure, and lifestyle, aligning with their brand image of energy and excitement.

  • Engaging Content: The majority of their posts are videos, capturing high-energy activities and events. This visual storytelling is key to their strategy, creating an immersive experience for their followers.

  • User Engagement: Red Bull actively engages with its audience through hashtags, contests, and user-generated content. For example, their #PutACanOnIt campaign encouraged users to share creative photos featuring Red Bull cans.

  • Brand Image Consistency: Their posts consistently reflect the brand's adventurous and energetic image. This consistency helps in reinforcing their brand identity among their audience.

Key Takeaways

  • Content Variety: Red Bull's mix of promotional and inspiring content keeps its audience engaged and interested.

  • Audience Participation: They encourage audience participation, which increases engagement and brand loyalty.

  • Strategic Posting: Timing and regularity of posts are key. Red Bull optimizes their posting schedule for maximum engagement.

Red Bull's Instagram strategy is a prime example of how brands can use social media to create a strong, engaging, and consistent brand narrative that resonates with their target audience.

The key point is that even with the #PutACanOnIt campaign you won’t see product images or commercial videography on their social media.  All of their content is designed to show you how cool Red Bull people are and what it might be like if you were a part of the community.  It’s a powerful message.  

Videos that Tell a Story

Making awesome brand stories with videos is super important. When you weave storytelling into your videos, it's like having a friendly chat with your audience, making your brand's message clear and engaging. By using visual storytelling, you create content that really connects with people on an emotional level, boosting their loyalty to your brand. 

This friendly approach helps your brand's story make a lasting, memorable impact. It’s like video filters, but the attraction is the story not the gimic.

If you are interested in creating editorial videos to enhance your digital marketing have come to the right place. A-List Studios specializes in helping businesses of all sizes plan, film and produce high quality marketing videos.


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